Friday, December 25, 2009

Things I'm Thankful For Today

My family being together today

My new blue-with-hearts slippers
The blue-and-white hat and scarf my Gramma crocheted for me
My new HP laptop and flash drive
The laptop carrying case with Donald Duck
The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th books in the Harry Potter series (to go with the 7th book I already own)
The Sony Cyber-Shot digital camera and memory card
My new fuzzy blanket with Perry the Platypus on it
A brown purse with a blue K on it
The candy in my stocking

And did I mention having my family here? Including Crystal and Gramma??


It's been a good day. EVERYTHING was perfect. :-)

Monday, December 21, 2009


I wonder how the girl who doesn't ever want to settle for anything less than exactly what she wants seems to be the same girl who doesn't ever demand exactly what she wants, and therefore never gets it because she'd rather keep peace with the people around her...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Found While Cleaning

For those of you who doubted how incredibly tedious and boring my days were at my data entry position...
I've been cleaning my room today, and I stumbled across a "diary" I kept one day.
See for yourself:

Monday 4/13
I clocked in for work at 7:05. I never told my boss I'll be coming in early all week...hope he doesn't mind... All set & started my work at 7:10.

7:20 - I'm done. I've finished/caught up on Friday's numbers, and have nothing to do, because no one else is here yet today. I sure hope I'm not supposed to be in another area of these programs... But then again...that would give me something to do while I wait for there to be data to enter... I can't decide whether or not to be guilty about the face that I'm getting paid to sit here and listen to morning radio shows.

8:00 - Still nothing to do. I'm beginning to wonder why on earth they offered me overtime, since I really don't have enough work to last the normal eight-hour day, nevermind extra time. I also think I'm the only one in my area who came in early. I only saw one other girl on the floor when I came into the office, and I still don't hear the scanners running...

8:20 - I decided to switch back & forth with another computer so I can run a verify program. But the other computer (the only one I can use)is agonizingly slow, so it's not going too much better. I'm still bored, just in shorter intervals.

8:25 Nevermind. I don't know what I'm doing on the verify program. Guess I'll be bored and doing nothing again...

8:55 - I've finally had work to do. It's been 1-4 entries every minute or two for the last 5-10 minutes. Still leaves lots of free time, but it's not as mind-nimbingly dull as earlier. convince the radio to play different music than the same 20 songs it played all day Friday...

9:30 - My boss came in earlier. I asked him if I should be doing something else... He says no, I just have to sit tight and wait for work to come through. least now I have my supervisor's word that I don't have anything else to do...

10:05 - 5 minutes left to my morning break, but I'm already inside. It's cold in this office, and I can feel the cold flickering over my body, chasing away the delicious warmth from the sun. Maybe I'll take a book outside later...I miss the way the sun feels on my skin... One of the many reasons I wish I was back in Tampa.

11:05 - Wow... Every time I go to the bathroom here, the smell sends me right back to high school. It doesn't stink...just CCS's stalls. Lol. I've been working on and off since my break. That, and texting the ex. I find more comfort in talking to him & having him around than I should. Call me cruel, but I've had to start thinking of him as my "safety school" so I don't let myself get carried away thinking of him as a possibility to be more than a friend, when I've outlined the reasons why that's a bad idea many times. *sigh* I'll get it through my own head one of these days...

1:25 - 11 to 11:30 seems to fly by every day. Not that I'm complaining...Work is still slow with spurts of busy times, normally for under 5 minutes. But I've managed to get in some good conversations with my sister and my ex. Plus write this up, so the morning hasn't been a total loss. :-P

3:40 - The floor supervisor showed me how to verify my barcodes on another computer at about 2:15. I've spent the last hour and a half scooting between the two computers, running three programs at once. It only took me that long to verify ALL my work from Friday and today. *sigh* Back to boredom, I guess...

4:10 - The last half-hour has DRAGGED. Not looking much better for the next 20 minutes. At least that's all I have left... I keep rocking myself until I almost fall asleep, and then it takes ages to actually wake up again. Maybe I should get to bed at a more reasonable time from now on...

Monday, December 14, 2009

They're All Like Snowflakes

Well, I'm stealing a blog again.

Heather posted a quick note about this site, One in 8 Million. I opened it up with the intention of only watching the couple that she specifically linked to, but I realized quickly that that wasn't enough.
I love people. I love what they think. I love their stories. I love to learn about what motivates them...why they do what they do...why they've made the changes they've made... So this project is absolutely captivating to me.
To think that all of these people are in one city blows my mind. They all live within very few miles, when you think about the size of this country, and yet each story is as different as the ice crystals that form snowflakes.
What other stories could we get if this was a nationwide project!?!?

Hopefully, you'll like it too.

P.S. This is part of why I love NYC.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where My Own Stubbornness Almost Makes Me Miss Out...

I'm always reluctant to jump on someone else's bandwagon. Especially when it comes to music and movies. (Just ask my sister.)

What? You have this new song I should listen to and fall in love with?
Pssh...please. I've got a CD collection that has everything in it from Eminem to Taylor Swift, Josh Groban to Gravediggers, Steven Curtis Chapman to the Newsies soundtrack, 3 Doors Down to Three Days Grace, Switchfoot to Santana, Simon and Garfunkel to Sara Bareilles. And everything in between. And on my computer? I have more music than I could listen to in a week and more Owl City songs than the band members themselves. What could you possibly have that's better than what I've already got?

A new movie I should see, you say?
Ha! You obviously haven't seen the shelf of movies I already own. A collection with such treasures as Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, the Lord of the Rings series, all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Because I Said So, and Mirrors. Also in that mix are the Shrek movies, Zack and Miri Make A Porno, A Knight's Tale, Surf Ninjas, and Benchwarmers. To name just a few. Don't tell me about good movies. I've got plenty, and I don't need yours, thank you very much.

So when one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world (who was also my arch-nemesis for a day when she tricked me into watching Casablanca, even when I adamantly stated for months that I'd never watch it) started talking about a song she loved, naturally, I was wary.
She posted it on Facebook, but I ignored it. I might as well have never seen it.
She talked about it on Twitter, and my resolve weakened a little. I actually opened the video in another window. But once I saw the name, I closed it without giving it a chance. "We have different taste," I told myself. "Doesn't sound like something I'd like."
But when I saw it again on her blog, I decided to bite the bullet and suffer through the almost-four minute video. How bad could it be? She seemed to be pretty passionate about it. What did I have to lose, besides four minutes of my time?

Turns out, I lost eight minutes of my time to that song. Because I had to watch the video twice.

My dear friend Heather did the song more justice than I ever could by saying "When music critics talk about haunting and melodic, this is what they should be referring to. I haven't been able to get this out of my head since the first time I listened to it."
And it's true. I've tried listening to other music, and I just can't get this song out of my head, either.

So...I share this video with you. My dear friends. And I hope that you're not as much of a pain in the ass about new music as I am, because I almost missed out on an awesome song by a great band. And that would have been sad.

And if you go here, you can get a free download.
P.S. "Free download" in my mind = one song. NOT SO!! These guys are so awesome, they'll give you a whole CD!!! How amazing is that!?!?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So... In my stats class, I'm required to make a survey.

I also have to test-run it before I turn the link in to my professor.
So I'm asking for help.

If you're willing to pretend you're an idiot, to help me idiot-proof this survey, PLEASE click the link below.


Click Here to take survey

**EDIT: The survey has been handed in. So your participation, while welcome, is no longer absolutely vital to my survival. ;-) Thanks, guys!!!**

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Legacy to Leave...?

I had a moment in psych the other day that made me stop and think about my life and what I hope to pass onto my kids (or at least those I spend a lot of time with).
Actually, that was the point of the exercise. My professor asked each of us to come up with one thing, one saying, one idea that we'd like to pass on to future generations. What is it that, when they think of me and the values I tried to instill, would come to mind?

I thought pretty hard about it, actually. What do I want people to think about, when they think of me? What did I think was important that they remember?

As the professor went around the room, having everyone say their answer out loud, I was honestly shocked. All 15 other members said things about how important it is to finish your education or to follow the golden rule. And while I agree with both those sentiments, not once did they cross my mind. Not once.
And I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

Because my answer was:
It's OK to make mistakes. It's how recover from them that defines you. And whatever it is that you choose to do, be sure to do it with your whole heart.

Now, I said that because I believe it.
And it's not like I don't think education or the golden rule are important. They certainly are. But...those are a given for me. Of course you need to get an education. Of course you should be treating others well. Those should be second nature. So...that's not what I want 'my thing' to be.
When I'm gone, and people remember me, I want them to remember more than the golden rule. I want them to remember that I encouraged them to make mistakes and then learn from them; to be themselves - more than that, to find themselves; to do what makes them truly happy, not just happy for the moment; and to be wholehearted in every aspect of life.
I hope I already live that...or at least encourage that.

So...I'm thinking that I'll either be a really good parent...or a really bad one.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trying To Do Good


I always feel like I'm not doing enough to contribute to the world and my community.
I'm trying to figure out ways I can do that, but not having a car or an income makes everything a bit more challenging. Not impossible, but more challenging for sure.

Anyway... I found one small way to make a difference. And I know that this comes nowhere near making the impact I'd like to make...but at least it's something.

Which is why I bookmarked The Hunger Site on my toolbar. And I try to make an effort to visit it every day.
On that page, they also have links to support breast cancer research, helping children get health care, improving literacy, protect the environment, and support animal rescue.
What happens is, there's a huge button at the top of each tab on that page. You click the button, and their sponsors donate X-amount of whatever, whether it's funds, books, food, towards whatever cause's tab you were on.
There are also ads for clothes, jewelry, knick-knacks, you name it, on the page. For everything you buy in the stores on the site, even more funds are donated to the causes.
(Go ahead and check it out on Snopes if you want - I did.)

I also frequent There, you get to take mini-quizzes on a variety of subjects. You can choose to be asked about art, grammar, vocabulary, foreign languages, chemistry, geography, or math. And for every question you get right, ten grains of rice is donated to hungry people by advertisers on the site. And if you think that ten grains isn't a lot, trust me when I say to you that the questions are addictive. You'll answer more than you realize.
Plus, as you help contribute to feeding hungry people all over the world, you're improving your own mind and intelligence. So it really seems like a win-win.
(Yeah, they've been checked out on Snopes, too.)

Anyway... I know I can do more. And I want to do more. But I try to do this, too. Because every little bit counts. And if I can even cause one cup of food to be donated to hungry people...that's one more person who'll have a little bit more to eat. And that's an impact.
And I thought that, just maybe, even if only one person who reads this actually goes to one of those sites and tries to be regular there, as well... Well, if one cup of food can make a difference...two can make twice the impact. And it can only grow from there.

So...I'm stepping off my soapbox now.
I've just felt compelled to post this for a while now, and I decided to finally post it before I put it off for who-knows-how-long.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Ahh, Womanhood


I should have gotten up early and ran again today. I had every intention of doing so, actually.

I have PCOS, and therefore, have incredibly irregular cycles. Like, haven't had one since January and that's not at all unusual for me when I'm not on my medication. And don't get me started on the whole medication thing...
Anyway... Because I go so long between cycles, when I finally do get to that time, the first day is excruciatingly painful. Like, curl up in a ball on my bed, please don't disturb me, I'd rather lie here under 4 blankets than get up to eat, pee, watch a movie, anything. I could eat all the chocolate in Hershey, PA quite happily. And dear Lord, I will cry at the drop of a hat. Me. The girl who doesn't cry, ever. I will cry big old tears like it's me personally whose dog died when in reality I'm just watching a commercial.
I should have known it was coming when, last night at Carolyne's play, I was reading the program and all of a sudden felt like I was about to burst into tears. For no reason.
I also should have recognized that I tend to resemble a pregnant woman in her nesting stage just before I start my period. Which was exactly what was happening when I decided to finish my room in the last two days so that I could have my own nice cozy space back. (Which, as much as I adore my brother and am grateful to him for sharing his room with me, I'm so glad I did...just in time.)

In light of those things, I'm not sure why I was so surprised when I woke up this morning to discover that my body decided, after ten months, to "be a woman" again, but I was.

I had every intention of getting up early and running again this morning, but when I woke up in pain, I decided that there was not enough chocolate in the world to be worth getting up and running at that point.

I'll try again on Sunday.

Also, I realize that some of the stuff in here is a little bit personal...
Sorry for sharing any information you may not want to hear, but... I think that's the way it's gonna be. I want to about my life and about what's going on with me. I won't share anything I wouldn't say in person, but I want to be able to be honest and open. If I'm really bothering you but you just can't stay away (haha), you can say something and I'll try to tone it down.
Just wanted to give a fair warning.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby Steps

I guess you could call today Day One.

I did it. I got up at 9, and ran for 45 minutes. I've discovered that, if I put a movie in, set the treadmill to one of the weight loss programs, and just keep on moving, it's actually not that bad.

I'm currently setting up my room. Feeling really accomplished.
And feeling good.

Here's to new beginnings...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Inner Strength - Where Does It Come From?

I am amazed by this woman's strength...

In her bio on the Biggest Loser website, it says that "She faced an enormous tragedy in October 2006. In light of losing her beloved husband, 5½ year-old daughter and 2½ week-old son in a fatal car crash, she chooses to forge ahead."
Which she doesn't explain here.

What blows me away, every week, is her determination. Her persistence. Her strength. And even more than that, her joy.
If I lost what she did... Wow... She says she chooses every day to get out of bed. It is a conscious choice to get up and live without her loved ones.
I think I very well might have chosen not to wake up the next morning.

Every week, Abby is smiling, cheering her team on, working as hard as she can. She is pushed by the trainers. By her teammates. By herself. And she keeps going. Keeps living.

I want to be like that. I want to have that strength. That inner drive. That faith that there is something more in store for me.
In the first episode of this season, Abby says that it was the grace of G-d that she wasn't in the van with her family that day. And that she takes the fact that she was spared as her sign that she was meant for something more - something bigger than she even knows about right now. And she's chosen to start that begin to find her getting herself right.

Not to make everything about me...but...
I have been fighting so much with myself recently. With my self-image. Because, let's face it, I'm overweight, unemployed, have no car, and feel more and more unmotivated by the moment.
I'm fighting to find the determination I need to pick myself up and change my life. I don't want to be this size forever. I don't want to be unemployed or have a job I hate. I want to have a car and not worry about whether or not I can make the payments. I want to do something with my life, other than sit in this house.

I don't know how to make that change. I'd love to make it onto the show, and get the jump-start from them so that I can begin a new me. That would be a dream-come-true.
But would it fix the problem?
Not by itself. There are bigger issues in my life than just having trouble losing weight, and I know it. I think the biggest one is a fear of failure and unhappiness.
If I try to lose weight and fail, I'll feel worse than I do now.
If I try harder to find a job and still can't find anything, I'll feel like I'm not good enough.
If I find a job and hate it, I'll feel like I'm not going anywhere or doing anything worthwhile with my life.

I don't know where to start. I'm not happy with where I am.
I'm not sure exactly where I want to go, but I know I don't want to stay here.
How do you get to a place you don't know? How do you even know what direction to head or how to begin?

I'd love to say that, first thing tomorrow, I'm going to get out of bed at 8 or 9, throw on my sneakers, and go for a run. That then I'll shower and call every daycare within a 20 mile radius, selling myself as the most enthusiastic and passionate toddler teacher they could ever employ. Then I'll get my room set up, help with dinner, and go to Carolyne's play.
But I know myself. And I know that I'll really just want to stay in bed till close to noon, then spend an hour or so on the computer while eating, set up my room, grudgingly help with dinner, and then go to the play.
And that pisses me off. I hate who I've become. I don't want to be this girl anymore. I don't want to live in my parents' house because I have nowhere else to go and no way to support myself if I did. I don't want to spend day after day dodging questions about why I don't have a job. I don't want to be lazy and unmotivated and sedentary.
I want to work. I want to run. I want to laugh and play and go out with friends and get a car and pay off this debt and get my life back in order.
And when I'm back on my feet, I want to meet someone. Because, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm 25 and honestly have never had a relationship worth mentioning. And I want a family. Lord knows I'm going to have enough trouble having kids of my own. I really don't want to have my age hinder that as well.

I don't know...I feel like I'm constantly running myself around in circles and then wondering why I never get anywhere. And I don't know what it's going to take to get myself motivated. I feel like... I'm pretty sure I know what my mental block is. I know what I need to do. I know how to do it. And I know that, once I get started, I'll keep going. I'm a creature of habit. If I can just get into a routine, I'll be golden. I just don't know how to make myself get off my fat ass and DO IT.
And that's the most frustrating part of all.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Some girls want to marry someone who can take care of them.
A banker. A lawyer. A doctor.
They want the money. The house. The car. 2.5 kids, one dog, and a beautiful modern home on the outskirts of the city.
One acre, tops, that the gardener/landscaper will now once a week while he tends to the flowers and shrubbery.
A daycare to send the kids to as both parents work outside the home. A quiet house to relax in at night. A husband who leaves for work in a suit, carrying a briefcase and who grabs a couple drinks in the hotel bar during business trips.

Not me.

When I close my eyes, I see a curly-haired man with laughing eyes and a crooked smile.
He's wearing a dirty hat, boots, and well-worn jeans. Behind him is a house with a wrap-around porch. Behind that, a barn. There are horses, cattle, dogs, maybe even some sheep, chickens, and goats.
Along one edge of the acres and acres of land is a wooded area. A river runs through it, and our six children can be found laughing and swimming and playing there every day during the summer.
In the evening, my husband comes into the house sweaty from working in the fields and taking care of the animals. The kids and I help his as much as possible when they're not at school and I'm not taking care of the house.
The dinner table is full of laughter as we talk about our days, the children and their father speaking with those endearing accents that they'll never lose, no matter how far from home their lives may lead them.
Sunset finds my husband and I sitting on the porch, watching the kids play with each other, the dogs running at their feet. As it gets darker, mason jars with holes in the lid are filled with fireflies, carefully counted to see who has the most.
the neighbors are just far enough that we can barely see their houses in the winter, when all the trees are bare, but close enough that the children can walk or ride their bikes to each others' houses to play.

Life is loud, hectic, chaotic.
But laughter is the loudest thing you can hear.
Money is tight.
But we never go without the things we need.
Every day is different. Some easy, some hard.
But they each have the consistency of family and love.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just Me...

I'm clumsy.
My hair never cooperates and my nails always break.
I like colors that are too bright and accent them with colors that are too dark.
I carry purses that are far too big, and keep them filled with items that are far too heavy.
I have zero attention span and I stay up too late at night.
I'm constantly forgetting things or getting sidetracked.
I suck at math and with money.
I laugh too easily and I talk too loud.
I jump into things headfirst, without thinking at all.
I'm stubborn as a mule and I'll be the last to admit I'm wrong.
I pick fights when I feeling like I'm being put down.
I'm an instigator and a troublemaker.
I have terrible handwriting.
I hate dusting and my ironing sucks.

But if you can look past all that and let me in...

I'll love you with my whole heart.
I'll smile easily and laugh quickly.
I'll hug you often and dance for no reason.
I'll be happiest when enjoying the little things in life.
I'll always try to find the bright side of things and I'll never let you cry alone.
I'll buy you things at the store for no reason.
I'll sing silly songs with you in the car and run with you in the rain.
I'll go out of my way to see you.
I'll cook for you and let you have my share of dessert.
I'll answer the phone at 3am when you're on your way home from work and just want to talk.
I'll always give you the benefit of the doubt.
I'll stand up for what I believe in, and I'll stand up for you.
I'll give you all of me.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Jenn took me shopping on Sunday, looking to complete an outfit for Melissa's wedding tomorrow. We found a great shirt that I love, but wouldn't have had enough confidence to even lift off the rack if I'd been by myself.
Carolyne gave me a bunch of clothes when she went back to Atlanta this weekend. I really liked some of the stuff, but none of it is big enough to fit me.

I'm so sick of the way I am. I'm tired of this body. Or at least the size...
I hate feeling like a fat slob all the time. I hate dressing in dark hues and men's tees to try and hide my stomach. I hate shopping and putting item after item back on the display because there's no way I could pull off the style.

So I kept the clothes from Carolyne that I like. I hung them in my closet, and I will fit into them.

That being said...
I'm looking for someone who will kick my ass, not let me get off track, and help whip my ass into shape.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I MUST Be Out Of My Mind...

To the man I can't believe I found myself thinking of right now...

Please tell me why I can't get you out of my head. I would love an explanation. It would mean the world to me if I could figure out why I found myself thinking of you at 2am, right after watching Zack and Miri...a movie that previously made me think of someone completely different.

It's been three years. Three years ago today, we were still together.
After we broke up, it took a full year before I could see you and hang out with you and not feel like we shouldn't be in the same room. It took another year before I truly decided that it was not a good idea for us to be together. And it's taken a third year for me to thoroughly confuse myself further.

Not a good time. That's what I've told myself for the last three years. This isn't the right time for us. Neither of us is ready for this. The timing is just off.
The timing is still off. Neither of us is truly ready to be in the kind of relationship we'd start.
But why am I even thinking about that? Why am I thinking about you?
I don't mean this the way it's going to sound...but you're not what I'm looking for...

I love you dearly. I always will. But...that fire...that oomph...that...that...just isn't there. Not anymore. I don't know if it went away because of everything that happened between us, or because of how I've grown since we've been together. I don't know that it could ever come back. I don't know if I want it to...

I try to tell myself that I keep thinking about you because you're safe. I know you. I know what it's like to be with you. I know how it could be. I know that we're comfortable together and we get along and we have fun and we have a lot of good memories already. I know that, if I just gave you a sign that this is what I wanted, you'd be here faster than I could imagine. I know that this time, you'd treat me right...we'd work things out...we'd make this it.
And...part of me...part of my brain...wonders why I don't just go for it. You've got enough going for you that it wouldn't be a terrible idea...
You've already got the farmhouse in Virginia that I've always dreamed of. I stopped counting how many times you've asked if I want to go there for a vacation or just to move to the country like I've always dreamed. You've got the silly smile and the goofy attitude and the relationship with my family. I can't tell you how often you make me laugh.
Sure, sometimes we bicker. Of course, things aren't always sunshine and roses. Yeah, you were the only one who came frighteningly close to breaking my heart.
But...we always work through it. We get over it. We move on.
And I find myself wondering...why don't I just give you that sign...that green light...that "hey...let's try this again."

And then I remember...
I tried that once. I loved you once. You almost broke my heart.
No, I'm not holding a grudge. It's over. It's done. It's been forgiven, and I still love you and like to see you.
But it happened.

And... You need someone to take care of you. You really do. You need the stereotypical American marriage, where the wife lets the husband think he's in charge, when really she pulls the strings. You need a woman who can handle everything, and let you be the dorky you that you are.
I understand that. That's OK.
But that's not what I want.
I want someone to take care of me. I don't want to be the one in charge. I don't want to be the bookkeeper and the secretary and the boss. And I don't want to run my household. I want my husband to truly be the man of the house. I don't mind making appointments and that sort of thing...but I suck with money. I don't want to deal with it. I want to be able to be the sometimes flighty woman. The one who, sometimes, all you can do is roll your eyes at and say "That's so her..."
And I want to adore my husband. I want to be crazy about him. I want to look at him and feel so incredibly lucky to have him, to feel like...just maybe...I got someone better than I deserve. I want to not be able to keep my hands off him. I want to want him. In every way.
I know these things aren't constant. I know that, because of my passion in every aspect of my life, sometimes I'll want to strangle him just as much as I wanted to kiss him the day before. But...I want the passion to be there...

I'm not saying that you're not great. I'm not saying you're not going to be that guy for someone.
But...when I step back and look at my're not him for me.
In the almost three years since we broke up, I haven't once thought about you and thought "damn...I really want that..." I'm not attracted to you anymore. I don't get butterflies. At all. Ever. My heart never skips a beat when I hear your voice or when I see you.
I know those things fade in time. But it's never there now. And I don't want to start with nothing... Where could it go from there??
Yes, I can close my eyes and see a future for us. I can see us on your farm, with horses and dogs and kids. I can see us being comfortable and happy. But when I open my eyes, that vision is gone. There's never a desire to actually have that future. And that bothers me.

I remind myself of these things every time I think about you. Every time I find myself thinking that maybe the safe and comfortable option is the way to go. Every time I'm on the phone with you and I find a tiny part of myself waiting to hear "I love you" in the pauses. Every time you tell me you're drunk, and I text you, begging you to be safe and smart.

For the most part, I get it. I mean...this is me...this is my life. Who better than ME to know what I want.
Sure, my brain thinks this might be a completely viable option. But my heart isn't in it at all. And...isn't this the one thing that they need to be together on?
A relationship with you isn't it. I know that. Deep down, I think I've always known that.

But what I don't know is why I can't get you out of my head...

~ Kim

Monday, March 23, 2009

Comfort In Strange Places

They say that scent is the strongest sense tied to memory.
How true...

I was reading tonight, finishing Breaking Dawn for the third time.
Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with thoughts of the coming week. Of the planned meetings with Bubbe. The hopeful/tentative plans with Seth. The cafe and open mic on Wednesday. The uncertainty of Thursday, with the hope of some laundry getting done. The conference this weekend with the 20's in the area.
Thoughts of Jenn and Hart. Of Jackie. Heather. Of my family. Crystal. My friends in Tampa. Britta.
Thoughts of my lack of a job. Of a life.
And I felt...sad...frustrated...almost hopeless. Almost like I was alone in all of it. In all of my wanting to do truly go somewhere with my life...and with my inability to seem to make that happen.

I'm not alone. I know and understand this. I have amazing friends and family. There is not a doubt in my mind that I'm never alone.

But I felt alone, just for that fleeting second.
I missed my life. My security. My independence.

A fraction of a second found me with my face buried in the binding of the book, a habit I'm not sure where I acquired, but one that comforts me nonetheless. Because the friend I borrowed the book from smokes, my nostrils were quickly filled with the faint smell of cigarette smoke.

In a flash, I was no longer standing in my bedroom at 2am, thinking about the things that weren't in order in my life.

I was at Travis' house, sitting on his bed watching a movie, while he played games on his computer and fixed mine.
I was standing in my kitchen, cooking dinner and yelling back and forth through the open door and windows with my group of friends on the balcony.
I was at Ballast with Lucy and Chris and even Rob, watching our makeshift bonfires and walking down the pier.
I was sitting on the sofa in my apartment, playfully closing the curtains as the boys stood outside smoking, using wireless remotes to play video games.
I was at Kelsie's house, talking and giggling and gossiping.
I was walking to the store with Mike, buying diapers for the kids he was babysitting and laughing at the looks other customers were giving us.
I was lounging at the pool at Camden, laughing and screaming and throwing handfuls of ice back at the boys.
I was leaning against the railing on my porch, giggling at the boys and throwing pennies down into the night below, making the frogs jump across the courtyard.
I was walking through Busch Gardens with Travis, as he pretended to be in the area thanks to a local cruise or group trip, just to bum a smoke off a stranger.
I was with Lucy and Chris and Rob again at Starbucks, all of us drinking coffee and talking about anything and everything...and nothing.
I was in my bed, curling up in Gary's arms when he crawled in next to me after locking the door for the night.

And...while there was a slight sting, because I suddenly realized that none of those memories involved Crystal... I was amazed.
Amazed that all that it took to throw me back to so many happy memories was that faint whiff of smoke.
In that split second, I forgot everything else. I forgot the feelings of failure and frustration and sorrow and worthlessness.
All I could remember were the good times. All the days I'd joked with my friends, asking them if they were trying to kill me with all the secondhand smoke.

I never thought that the thought of a cigarette would make me smile. Make me happy. Make me remember days when things were hard, but OK.
And then make me remember what I have.
My parents. My brothers. My sister. My grandmother. The rest of my large, crazy, dysfunctional family whom I love dearly.
Jenn. Jackie. Hart. The rest of my congregation, and the lifelong friends and allies I have found there.
Heather. Britta. Danielle. Mike. Rafael. All the friends who have come into my life over the last almost-25 years and who prove, time and time again, that hey are always there for me.
Alan. Ashley. Krow. Kelsie. Chris. Lucy. Mike. Gary. Everyone in Tampa who accepted me into their group, who made me feel at home, who were there for that happy summer, became my family, and supported me as I crashed and burned.

Suddenly, life wasn't so bad.
Everything was OK. Bearable. Not as bad as it had seemed just moments before.

Because I realized...
No matter where I am, who I'm with, how I'm feeling... Regardless of whether or not I'm employed or I own my own car... Completely independent of my ability to financially (or even emotionally, some days) support myself...

I am never alone.

I have been blessed beyond all measure with friends and family who love me. Who are there for me. Who will always stand beside me, no matter what's happening.

I invariably respond to the question "What's your worst fear?" with the response "That something terrible would happen to the people I love." That sentence is always followed by the addition "And being alone forever."
Tonight I realize that, regardless of whether not the good Lord sees fit to fulfill my desire to share my life and passion with a good man...
I will not be alone forever.

Funny that the "tool" I needed to have that particular revelation was the fading odor of someone's habitual smoking...

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Bit Delayed...

So...the new keyboard Crystal and Joe got me... The one that malfunctioned right away and then they kept delaying sending to me, so I gave up on it? Yeah...finally got it today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Know There's A Thought Rolling Around There Somewhere...

Well, it's Wednesday night, and I'm sitting in the cafe. Waiting for the Open Mic night to start. Did I mention it's 7:43, and it officially starts at 7:30? And the only two people here (aside from me) are the MC and his friend?
It's ok...I'm enjoying the "quiet" time. The guys are just playing their guitars and jamming and adjusting the sound levels, and it's making nice background noise. Drowning out my own mind.
Because, between not having a job, having credit people NOT GET that I don't have money to give them, the whole Gary drama driving me up a wall (OK, so that one is mostly just me overreacting because I know exactly how precarious my own emotional stance is), living with my parents, not knowing where I'll be living in a few months, and having serious thoughts about taking on more responsibilities at the congregation, I'm going insane.

I'm also not feeling 100% today. I've been half-dizzy, half-nauseous all day. Not enough of either to do anything about it, but just enough of both to make being completely relaxed just out of reach.

Oops... One other woman just walked in.
I hate feeling obligated to talk to people... Not that I don't like people... I just hate that forced conversation that happens when you're the only ones in the room and don't want to be rude.

There's honestly not too much on my mind that I care to put down. I'm just trying to get back in to the habit of blogging every day or every other day. The goal is to eventually open up...keep a real journal... We'll see how that goes.
For now, I'm just sitting here, trying desperately to resist crawling up and sleeping on the sofa a mere 10 feet away.

Monday, March 9, 2009


So I've had my "new" keyboard (really Crystal's old one) for two weeks now, and this is my first "Hey, I'm back to real blogging again" post. Because I'm lame.
Oh, and because, in spite of the fact that my life has been chaotic and crazy and far from boring, I feel like I have nothing to blog about.

EXCEPT!! The 3 Doors Down concert with Jackie last Friday was AMAZING!!! I can't even say how good she is to me and how much I appreciate her willingness to buy the tickets and pay for dinner and drive us down there. :-)

And... I'm starting to feel a lot better about being here. I actually have a semi-opportunity to go back to Tampa this summer/fall (more on that another time), and I'm seriously considering at least crunching numbers and see if it can work. But... I'm not miserable here. Mom and I are actually getting along pretty darn well. Dad's...we'll...he's my Daddy. Nick is definitely becoming the true teenager he is, but I can deal with that. And Pablo's almost never home.
And Jenn has been my saving grace. Honestly. I love my friends in Tampa, don't get me wrong...but I didn't get a lot of girl conversations. There were always guys around. Guys are nice, don't think I'm saying they're's just different when it's just a couple girls spilling everything. And I realize now how much I missed that. How much I needed that. Needed to be able to just talk about myself and my insecurities and guys and love and sex and fears and religion and family and...everything. I honestly have told her things I didn't think I would ever tell anyone...She truly has become my closest friend here, and I can't be happier about it. I haven't had that since Heather lived in CT, and it's one of those things you don't know how much you missed until you get it back. And it's nice to hear another girl talk, too. Not guys...not conversations edited for guys...just girl to girl honesty. (And it's nice to sometimes have her husband around to give me a mature, halfway sane man's opinion on things...when asked. :-P )
I owe my sanity to that girl.
I really don't know what I'll do if/when she moves... (Not that I don't deserve it, after leaving myself...)

I'm happy. Or at least very much working towards it.

Anyway...sleep has been immensely elusive recently...
And since I'm getting sleepy now, I'm going to try my luck at getting some shut-eye before 3am.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Maybe I'm selfish...?

I've been toying with the thought of going back to Union.

Partly because I miss friends, my family. Partly because I want to get out of this house.
But mostly because I almost feel like I owe it to my Grandma.

She'd never, ever say that to me. She's never complained about what she's done for me. She's never accepted any sort of "repayment," and she probably never will.
But in the last 14 months, she's spent easily four grand on me and my move and my bills and my rent and my going to see her for Thanksgiving and, oh right, my other move. And my storage. And the shed so I don't have to keep the storage. And the expense and labor to move things from storage in Tampa into her shed.

Quite frankly, it's embarrassing how much she's supported me throughout the last year, as I called myself an independent person.
And I feel like...after everything she's selflessly and wordlessly done for me...
the very least I can do is go live with with her...give her the one thing I can give her...the only thing she'd time.

So that's been heavy on my mind lately.

Responses welcome....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

*excuses, excuses*

It's been way too long, I know. And so much has happened that I don't know how I'll ever be able to recap it all...

But "most important" (in regards to why I haven't posted) is that I spilled tea onto my keyboard, and the entire bottom row quit working. So I've spent the last month or so either using the ever-so-efficient "cut and paste" method, or using the on-screen keyboard. Both of which are terribly time-consuming and annoying. So I've avoided writing. Which means I've avoided posting. Hopefully I'll be getting a new keyboard soon. My replacement for my malfunctioning replacement keyboard is supposed to be in the mail. And once I get it, I'll start posting regularly again.

I promise.