Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trying To Do Good


I always feel like I'm not doing enough to contribute to the world and my community.
I'm trying to figure out ways I can do that, but not having a car or an income makes everything a bit more challenging. Not impossible, but more challenging for sure.

Anyway... I found one small way to make a difference. And I know that this comes nowhere near making the impact I'd like to make...but at least it's something.

Which is why I bookmarked The Hunger Site on my toolbar. And I try to make an effort to visit it every day.
On that page, they also have links to support breast cancer research, helping children get health care, improving literacy, protect the environment, and support animal rescue.
What happens is, there's a huge button at the top of each tab on that page. You click the button, and their sponsors donate X-amount of whatever, whether it's funds, books, food, towards whatever cause's tab you were on.
There are also ads for clothes, jewelry, knick-knacks, you name it, on the page. For everything you buy in the stores on the site, even more funds are donated to the causes.
(Go ahead and check it out on Snopes if you want - I did.)

I also frequent FreeRice.com. There, you get to take mini-quizzes on a variety of subjects. You can choose to be asked about art, grammar, vocabulary, foreign languages, chemistry, geography, or math. And for every question you get right, ten grains of rice is donated to hungry people by advertisers on the site. And if you think that ten grains isn't a lot, trust me when I say to you that the questions are addictive. You'll answer more than you realize.
Plus, as you help contribute to feeding hungry people all over the world, you're improving your own mind and intelligence. So it really seems like a win-win.
(Yeah, they've been checked out on Snopes, too.)

Anyway... I know I can do more. And I want to do more. But I try to do this, too. Because every little bit counts. And if I can even cause one cup of food to be donated to hungry people...that's one more person who'll have a little bit more to eat. And that's an impact.
And I thought that, just maybe, even if only one person who reads this actually goes to one of those sites and tries to be regular there, as well... Well, if one cup of food can make a difference...two can make twice the impact. And it can only grow from there.

So...I'm stepping off my soapbox now.
I've just felt compelled to post this for a while now, and I decided to finally post it before I put it off for who-knows-how-long.


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