Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Legacy to Leave...?

I had a moment in psych the other day that made me stop and think about my life and what I hope to pass onto my kids (or at least those I spend a lot of time with).
Actually, that was the point of the exercise. My professor asked each of us to come up with one thing, one saying, one idea that we'd like to pass on to future generations. What is it that, when they think of me and the values I tried to instill, would come to mind?

I thought pretty hard about it, actually. What do I want people to think about, when they think of me? What did I think was important that they remember?

As the professor went around the room, having everyone say their answer out loud, I was honestly shocked. All 15 other members said things about how important it is to finish your education or to follow the golden rule. And while I agree with both those sentiments, not once did they cross my mind. Not once.
And I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

Because my answer was:
It's OK to make mistakes. It's how recover from them that defines you. And whatever it is that you choose to do, be sure to do it with your whole heart.

Now, I said that because I believe it.
And it's not like I don't think education or the golden rule are important. They certainly are. But...those are a given for me. Of course you need to get an education. Of course you should be treating others well. Those should be second nature. So...that's not what I want 'my thing' to be.
When I'm gone, and people remember me, I want them to remember more than the golden rule. I want them to remember that I encouraged them to make mistakes and then learn from them; to be themselves - more than that, to find themselves; to do what makes them truly happy, not just happy for the moment; and to be wholehearted in every aspect of life.
I hope I already live that...or at least encourage that.

So...I'm thinking that I'll either be a really good parent...or a really bad one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it's Danielle.. cuz I'm a stalker lol

And I read this and quite honestly - those points hadn't crossed my mind either. And the funny part was, I wasn't even thinking of like "common sense/reassuring" types of sayings. I was thinking about like quotes that I would say or something. so you're not alone lol either that or we're both going to be shitty parents.