Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where My Own Stubbornness Almost Makes Me Miss Out...

I'm always reluctant to jump on someone else's bandwagon. Especially when it comes to music and movies. (Just ask my sister.)

What? You have this new song I should listen to and fall in love with?
Pssh...please. I've got a CD collection that has everything in it from Eminem to Taylor Swift, Josh Groban to Gravediggers, Steven Curtis Chapman to the Newsies soundtrack, 3 Doors Down to Three Days Grace, Switchfoot to Santana, Simon and Garfunkel to Sara Bareilles. And everything in between. And on my computer? I have more music than I could listen to in a week and more Owl City songs than the band members themselves. What could you possibly have that's better than what I've already got?

A new movie I should see, you say?
Ha! You obviously haven't seen the shelf of movies I already own. A collection with such treasures as Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, the Lord of the Rings series, all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Because I Said So, and Mirrors. Also in that mix are the Shrek movies, Zack and Miri Make A Porno, A Knight's Tale, Surf Ninjas, and Benchwarmers. To name just a few. Don't tell me about good movies. I've got plenty, and I don't need yours, thank you very much.

So when one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world (who was also my arch-nemesis for a day when she tricked me into watching Casablanca, even when I adamantly stated for months that I'd never watch it) started talking about a song she loved, naturally, I was wary.
She posted it on Facebook, but I ignored it. I might as well have never seen it.
She talked about it on Twitter, and my resolve weakened a little. I actually opened the video in another window. But once I saw the name, I closed it without giving it a chance. "We have different taste," I told myself. "Doesn't sound like something I'd like."
But when I saw it again on her blog, I decided to bite the bullet and suffer through the almost-four minute video. How bad could it be? She seemed to be pretty passionate about it. What did I have to lose, besides four minutes of my time?

Turns out, I lost eight minutes of my time to that song. Because I had to watch the video twice.

My dear friend Heather did the song more justice than I ever could by saying "When music critics talk about haunting and melodic, this is what they should be referring to. I haven't been able to get this out of my head since the first time I listened to it."
And it's true. I've tried listening to other music, and I just can't get this song out of my head, either.

So...I share this video with you. My dear friends. And I hope that you're not as much of a pain in the ass about new music as I am, because I almost missed out on an awesome song by a great band. And that would have been sad.

And if you go here, you can get a free download.
P.S. "Free download" in my mind = one song. NOT SO!! These guys are so awesome, they'll give you a whole CD!!! How amazing is that!?!?


Heather said...

I'm so glad you finally liked something I recommended!

Heather said...

P.S. It made my day :)

Kim said...

I've never watched Casablanca (OR Everybody Comes To Rick's, you sneaky little bugger) again.

Heather said...

Haha! I forgot I told you It was "Everybody Comes to Ricks!" You must have been traumatized to remember that!