Monday, December 14, 2009

They're All Like Snowflakes

Well, I'm stealing a blog again.

Heather posted a quick note about this site, One in 8 Million. I opened it up with the intention of only watching the couple that she specifically linked to, but I realized quickly that that wasn't enough.
I love people. I love what they think. I love their stories. I love to learn about what motivates them...why they do what they do...why they've made the changes they've made... So this project is absolutely captivating to me.
To think that all of these people are in one city blows my mind. They all live within very few miles, when you think about the size of this country, and yet each story is as different as the ice crystals that form snowflakes.
What other stories could we get if this was a nationwide project!?!?

Hopefully, you'll like it too.

P.S. This is part of why I love NYC.

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