Friday, December 18, 2009

Found While Cleaning

For those of you who doubted how incredibly tedious and boring my days were at my data entry position...
I've been cleaning my room today, and I stumbled across a "diary" I kept one day.
See for yourself:

Monday 4/13
I clocked in for work at 7:05. I never told my boss I'll be coming in early all week...hope he doesn't mind... All set & started my work at 7:10.

7:20 - I'm done. I've finished/caught up on Friday's numbers, and have nothing to do, because no one else is here yet today. I sure hope I'm not supposed to be in another area of these programs... But then again...that would give me something to do while I wait for there to be data to enter... I can't decide whether or not to be guilty about the face that I'm getting paid to sit here and listen to morning radio shows.

8:00 - Still nothing to do. I'm beginning to wonder why on earth they offered me overtime, since I really don't have enough work to last the normal eight-hour day, nevermind extra time. I also think I'm the only one in my area who came in early. I only saw one other girl on the floor when I came into the office, and I still don't hear the scanners running...

8:20 - I decided to switch back & forth with another computer so I can run a verify program. But the other computer (the only one I can use)is agonizingly slow, so it's not going too much better. I'm still bored, just in shorter intervals.

8:25 Nevermind. I don't know what I'm doing on the verify program. Guess I'll be bored and doing nothing again...

8:55 - I've finally had work to do. It's been 1-4 entries every minute or two for the last 5-10 minutes. Still leaves lots of free time, but it's not as mind-nimbingly dull as earlier. convince the radio to play different music than the same 20 songs it played all day Friday...

9:30 - My boss came in earlier. I asked him if I should be doing something else... He says no, I just have to sit tight and wait for work to come through. least now I have my supervisor's word that I don't have anything else to do...

10:05 - 5 minutes left to my morning break, but I'm already inside. It's cold in this office, and I can feel the cold flickering over my body, chasing away the delicious warmth from the sun. Maybe I'll take a book outside later...I miss the way the sun feels on my skin... One of the many reasons I wish I was back in Tampa.

11:05 - Wow... Every time I go to the bathroom here, the smell sends me right back to high school. It doesn't stink...just CCS's stalls. Lol. I've been working on and off since my break. That, and texting the ex. I find more comfort in talking to him & having him around than I should. Call me cruel, but I've had to start thinking of him as my "safety school" so I don't let myself get carried away thinking of him as a possibility to be more than a friend, when I've outlined the reasons why that's a bad idea many times. *sigh* I'll get it through my own head one of these days...

1:25 - 11 to 11:30 seems to fly by every day. Not that I'm complaining...Work is still slow with spurts of busy times, normally for under 5 minutes. But I've managed to get in some good conversations with my sister and my ex. Plus write this up, so the morning hasn't been a total loss. :-P

3:40 - The floor supervisor showed me how to verify my barcodes on another computer at about 2:15. I've spent the last hour and a half scooting between the two computers, running three programs at once. It only took me that long to verify ALL my work from Friday and today. *sigh* Back to boredom, I guess...

4:10 - The last half-hour has DRAGGED. Not looking much better for the next 20 minutes. At least that's all I have left... I keep rocking myself until I almost fall asleep, and then it takes ages to actually wake up again. Maybe I should get to bed at a more reasonable time from now on...

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