Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby Steps

I guess you could call today Day One.

I did it. I got up at 9, and ran for 45 minutes. I've discovered that, if I put a movie in, set the treadmill to one of the weight loss programs, and just keep on moving, it's actually not that bad.

I'm currently setting up my room. Feeling really accomplished.
And feeling good.

Here's to new beginnings...


lajoliedreamer said...

I'm so proud of you!!!

Heather said...

Go you! You totally rock!

thesingingprincess said...

aw, Kim, yayyy! baby steps are good (as are new blog entries) and now I'm feeling guilty for being lazy and not running. However, I have no treadmill. I'd have to actually run, outside, in the cold. No thanks.
Again, proud of you! <3