Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Know There's A Thought Rolling Around There Somewhere...

Well, it's Wednesday night, and I'm sitting in the cafe. Waiting for the Open Mic night to start. Did I mention it's 7:43, and it officially starts at 7:30? And the only two people here (aside from me) are the MC and his friend?
It's ok...I'm enjoying the "quiet" time. The guys are just playing their guitars and jamming and adjusting the sound levels, and it's making nice background noise. Drowning out my own mind.
Because, between not having a job, having credit people NOT GET that I don't have money to give them, the whole Gary drama driving me up a wall (OK, so that one is mostly just me overreacting because I know exactly how precarious my own emotional stance is), living with my parents, not knowing where I'll be living in a few months, and having serious thoughts about taking on more responsibilities at the congregation, I'm going insane.

I'm also not feeling 100% today. I've been half-dizzy, half-nauseous all day. Not enough of either to do anything about it, but just enough of both to make being completely relaxed just out of reach.

Oops... One other woman just walked in.
I hate feeling obligated to talk to people... Not that I don't like people... I just hate that forced conversation that happens when you're the only ones in the room and don't want to be rude.

There's honestly not too much on my mind that I care to put down. I'm just trying to get back in to the habit of blogging every day or every other day. The goal is to eventually open up...keep a real journal... We'll see how that goes.
For now, I'm just sitting here, trying desperately to resist crawling up and sleeping on the sofa a mere 10 feet away.

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