Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Newfound Determination've decided to be more faithful with this blog. My goal is to post at least every other day. Because so few of my friends know this exists, I'm hoping to be able to use it as more of a journal than an all-out "let me share my life" blog. And...I've had so many thoughts and been on such a roller coaster that I think getting everything out every couple days will be good for me. And it will be nice to be able to have feedback when requested/necessary from those few people that I trust most and have shared this blog with.


I'm still more likely than not going to move. The only question now is where I'm going to move to. Oh, and who I'll be living with.
Gary and I still want to get an apartment in Manchester. We'd love to be up north, and I'd love to not live with my parents. However, if we can't get income and savings together, as well as line up a place, that wish may not be a reality. And if I live with my parents (where my bedroom will be a cot in their office), Gary's not gonna be able to come with.
The only other option is for Gary and I to get an apartment here. Which...may or may not be reasonable. I haven't decided yet.

I had to give my car back to the bank last week. More accurately, I let them come and take it. I just don't have the money for it anymore. And it wasn't working anyway.'s frustrating to not have a car at all. At least last week I had a car that could have worked, had it been fixed. And I have nothing. And no money to get another one. And I'm NOT going to get myself under another loan.
On the other hand...not having to tow the car home will save about $600 if/when we move. And that will be a HUGE relief.

Chris set me up with an interview at his job yesterday. It's a call center that sells Disney vacation packages. Not fun, but an income. So far, I haven't heard anything. And that frustrates me just a little, even though Jenn kindly reminded me that it's only been a day and I really should give them a week.
I think...maybe part of my frustration is my impatience. Because I've been waiting for some kind of job offer for over a month now, and I've got nothing. And now that I've had this interview, I'm more than ready to just start earning already.

I've been doing a lot of trusting again. It's taking more faith than I thought I had to believe that my needs will be taken care of. Especially as I watch the days pass without any sort of income or even prospects. I have to continually remind myself that everything happens for a reason, and that this will work out for God's best...whatever that may happen to be. Hopefully it will be an option that I love, least I know that it will be right.

And I'm not even going to go into my feelings about the election yesterday. Suffice it to say that I am happy with the results, and I am sick and tired of hearing some of my friends talking like Obama is the anti-Christ. Enough already!!

Anyway...Alan and Ashley are on their way...hopefully with Ashley's new dog. And I miss having a dog so much that it will be nice to see hers tonight. :-) So I plan to laugh, spend time with the dog, and feed my newest addiction, the show The Ultimate Fighter.
If only ALL life was this simple...

1 comment:

Heather said...

I am so sorry about your car :( As crappy as it would be, The cheapest moving option would probably be moving in with the rents, selling your stuff on craigslist, shipping the big stuff home and getting a cheap southwest flight back to CT.