Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In The Airport

Well... It's started.

I'm on the first leg of my journey.

I'm sitting in TPA now, waiting on my flight to Charlotte. Where Gramma will pick me up and take me to Union.
I'm anticipating a fun Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family I don't get to see enough.

Then it's back to Tampa on Sunday night, to spend Monday with as many people as possible, earn money Tuesday and Wednesday, and then fly back to CT on Thursday.

It's a bittersweet thing.

I'm thrilled that this part of my week-long trip home has begun...
But sad, because it means that my last week as a Floridian has also begun.

BUT...Krow fixed my computer last night. *smiles* Cuz he's awesome. There's a reason I call him my brother.

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