Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Adventures in Cajun Cooking

So the last few months have been pretty crazy... Aaron's mother, sister, and cousin came to spend Thanksgiving here in South Carolina. In December, we went to Florida to spend Christmas with my family. In January, Aaron was in his friend's wedding. Mid-March we moved into our own apartment in the Manchesteresque city of Spartanburg, and now we just got back from a week and a half in Connecticut with my family. We've obviously been cooking during all that time, but it's been lots of "tried and true" basics, and not a lot of fun new things. So after a long break from "explorative cooking," I finally got adventurous a couple weeks ago.

As you may know, Aaron and his family are originally from southwest Louisiana, making Cajun cooking a favorite of his. I felt bad about the fact that Aaron has had so little true Cajun food recently - partly because his mother has been away, caring for her father, and partly because I'm a clueless Puerto Rican Jewish Yankee.  :-P

Anyway... When we moved, I decided to purchase a Louisiana Cajun Deck O' Meals ($8 including shipping). It's literally a deck of cards, with each card containing a different recipe, and it comes in a box with a magnet on the back - perfect for keeping it on the fridge. Well, a few Sundays ago, Aaron was working, and I decided to make him a nice Cajun meal to eat once he got off work. I chose Jambalaya and the Betcha Can't Eat Just One Biscuits (which I was assured was a quite accurate name).

I was very nervous about this meal, moreso than almost any meal I've ever cooked, because my man knows his Cajun food, and I've quite literally never had it before in my life.

The recipes are VERY easy, and came out DELICIOUS in the end. Though, I do have to say that I was agonizing so much about the jambalaya and its flavor and consistency (which was totally unnecessary - it came out perfect) that I completely spaced out while making the biscuits. In hindsight, "4 cups Bisquick" should have been my hint, but I was so consumed with nervousness about the jambalaya that I paid zero attention to the quantity of ingredients in the biscuits.
Fast forward ten minutes to an I Love Lucy-like moment, as I'm pulling every possible baking sheet and cake pan out of the drawers, in an attempt to bake all of the biscuits at once. While the title is very accurate (I believe I ate 4), I probably could have done without the three dozen biscuits the recipe made.
So, note to self: The recipes come out delicious, but I may need to pay more attention to quantity in the future, or else I'll have enough food for the entire city before I know it.  :-P

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