Sunday, October 7, 2012

A New Direction. (Maybe)

Well, there's no two ways about it - I'm a terrible blogger. I wish I was dedicated enough to sit down at my desk and write about my thoughts and my day and what's new in my life. But alas, that "Oomph" that I started out with a couple years ago has faded away.

I think part of the reason behind that is because, at the time when I wrote here the most, I was in what I commonly refer to as my "Stupid Period," but am starting to realize was probably my "Searching Phase." For the year before Tampa, the year in Tampa, and the first couple years after Tampa, I was really searching... Searching for the things I was passionate about, for the place that I could call home, for love, for myself. And I wrote because I needed an outlet - I needed a place to be intimate and open and even afraid, if that's what was going on.

I feel like I've answered most of those questions now. I'm not searching so much anymore. Don't get me wrong - I believe that I'll never have all the answers, and I'll always be looking for something, to some degree. But I'm in a pretty good place right now, and I don't really need the outlet anymore. I've found myself in a relationship that is so much more than I ever could have dreamed of, and I don't need to type my random thoughts and fears and emotions anymore. I get to just open my mouth and share them.

Which brings me back to the title of this entry - I think I'm going to take this blog in a new direction. Because there are still things I want to share - they're just not the things I thought they'd be.

See, I've found that I love to cook. Love it. While I will admit to sometimes saying "Oh, that is SO not happening - we're ordering pizza," most nights I actually look forward to cooking dinner after work. It's like I've discovered this completely new side of myself - this part of me that takes my love of food and blends that passion with my creative side and with my desire to take care of the man who means so much to me. And what better way to express all those things than cooking?

And cook I have. I've been buying cookbooks, scouring the internet, and spending hours hunched over the Pinterest app on my phone, making note of literally hundreds of recipes I can't wait to try.
And every time I find a recipe I love (or Aaron loves), or we go to a great (or a terrible) new restaurant, I want to tell people about it! I want to share with others this great new discovery I've made!! It's my way of taking care of everyone - because I've realized that that's what cooking is to me. Taking care of the people I care about - taking care of their most basic need - in the most enjoyable, creative, tasty way possible.

So I think I'm going to head in that direction with this blog. I'm going to start blogging about the recipes I'm trying. The restaurants I'm going to. The meals that came out great, and the ones that crashed and burned. And maybe even giving you (however many of you are actually out there reading this) a glimpse into my life at the same time.

Wish me luck!
And please, feel free to share or link to any recommended recipes that YOU happen to find/love along the way!!

~ Kim

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