Monday, February 16, 2009

Maybe I'm selfish...?

I've been toying with the thought of going back to Union.

Partly because I miss friends, my family. Partly because I want to get out of this house.
But mostly because I almost feel like I owe it to my Grandma.

She'd never, ever say that to me. She's never complained about what she's done for me. She's never accepted any sort of "repayment," and she probably never will.
But in the last 14 months, she's spent easily four grand on me and my move and my bills and my rent and my going to see her for Thanksgiving and, oh right, my other move. And my storage. And the shed so I don't have to keep the storage. And the expense and labor to move things from storage in Tampa into her shed.

Quite frankly, it's embarrassing how much she's supported me throughout the last year, as I called myself an independent person.
And I feel like...after everything she's selflessly and wordlessly done for me...
the very least I can do is go live with with her...give her the one thing I can give her...the only thing she'd time.

So that's been heavy on my mind lately.

Responses welcome....

1 comment:

lajoliedreamer said...

I wholly support the move - even if I will miss you so so so so so so so much. You need to get out of your house, get to some firmer ground and gentle arms, and be there for your grandma who won't be around forever. I love you and it will be so hard to watch you leave again, but I know that it's the best for you.