Thursday, June 11, 2009


Jenn took me shopping on Sunday, looking to complete an outfit for Melissa's wedding tomorrow. We found a great shirt that I love, but wouldn't have had enough confidence to even lift off the rack if I'd been by myself.
Carolyne gave me a bunch of clothes when she went back to Atlanta this weekend. I really liked some of the stuff, but none of it is big enough to fit me.

I'm so sick of the way I am. I'm tired of this body. Or at least the size...
I hate feeling like a fat slob all the time. I hate dressing in dark hues and men's tees to try and hide my stomach. I hate shopping and putting item after item back on the display because there's no way I could pull off the style.

So I kept the clothes from Carolyne that I like. I hung them in my closet, and I will fit into them.

That being said...
I'm looking for someone who will kick my ass, not let me get off track, and help whip my ass into shape.
