Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Hi, God.

I've been funny things work out. How...just when I think I've hit the end of my rope and can go no further, things turn around.
Two weeks ago, I was miserable. I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted my life back. I had chased my dream, and it wasn't what I wanted. And then...*poof* here come friends. First the fair. Then this past weekend. And suddenly...I have more people to see than I know what to do with. Granted, I feel a bit like a taxi service, as well, but at least I'm not spending my time alone.
And...the amount of times people have told me how cool I am is astounding. I'm not trying to be pretentious or proud...but it means a lot to hear that from people. A lot.

So... Thanks. Thank you for pushing me out the door back in Connecticut. Thank you for the last year before I left there - so that I can appreciate this year. Thank you for giving me a chance to concentrate on me instead of on everyone else around me. Thank you for bringing friends into my life now - at the perfect time - so that I was fully ready for them and ready to appreciate them.

And...tonight...sitting at the eclipse, surrounded by these new people to love...
Thank you

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