Friday, September 24, 2010

Heaven Can Wait

Well... I don't have much to say, really.
Except that I've totally rediscovered We The Kings. And that I really like them more than I thought I did. :-P

One of their songs, Heaven Can Wait, is totally "my" new song. Hehe

Here's a song for the nights
I think too much and
Here's a song when I imagine us together
Here's a song for when we talk too much
And I forget my words

Heaven can wait up high in the sky
It's you and I
Heaven can wait deep down in your eyes
I'm yours tonight
Lay your heart next to mine
I feel so alive
Tell me you want me to stay, forever
'Cause heaven can wait

Here's a song for the one who stole my heart
And ran so far that cupid couldn't catch her
Here's a song for the kid who aims so high
He shot her down

Heaven can wait up high in the sky
It's you and I
Heaven can wait deep down in your eyes
I'm yours tonight
Lay your heart next to mine
I feel so alive
Tell me you want me to stay forever
'Cause heaven can wait

Here's a song for the nights I drink too much
And spill my words

Heaven can wait up high in the sky
It's you and I
Heaven can wait deep down in your eyes
I'm yours tonight
Lay your heart next to mine
I feel so alive
Tell me you want me to stay forever
'Cause heaven can wait

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

After A LOOOOOONG Absence...


I haven't written in quite some time. Sorry about that. I've been slacking. The best "excuse" I can give really only covers the last month and a half. Before that, I was just lazy. But for the last 8 weeks or so, I've just been too busy living life to worry about writing about it.
Also, I'm having a really really hard time being honest and open, and still respecting the privacy and anonymity of the people who are the biggest parts of my life right now. Because so much of my life is laced with thoughts of and conversations with certain people, I'm finding it difficult to put ME on paper but keep THEM off it. (If that makes any sense at all...)

So...I apologize for the delay, but I have a sneaky suspicion that, at least until school really picks up and I start to freak out and just need an outlet, posting very well may be scarce again for a while.
I just went back over all my old entries here, and I discovered that I've written things (particularly about boyfriends/interests) that are quite frankly uncomfortable for me to read right now (and consequently may be removed), and I'm working on NOT making that mistake twice.
Just...suffice it to say that I'm in a really good place right now.
My friends are amazing people. The ones who are always there for me are constantly proving that they are the people who deserve the huge places in my heart that they already have.
My family continues to put up with my and my shenanigans. Things are up and down, as they are with all families, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.
And I've inexplicably found myself in a great relationship with an amazing man. One I've waited for a long time to have this chance with. (Totally worth the wait, by the way...)
And while all these things make me want to write write write write, I don't want to do anything to mess up ANY of the relationships I'm currently loving so very much. Which means that writing too much without getting my filter firmly in place is too much of a risk right now.

I hope that those of you who actually read this with any regularity will understand what I'm trying to say here...