Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thoughts Jotted On A Scrap Of Paper During My Flight To CT

I miss it already.

The warmth. The sunshine. The palm trees.
The insane traffic.
Ballast Point and Picnic Island.
Redington and Clearwater and Venice.
Dale Mabry and Gandy and Kennedy and Busch and Westshore and Manhattan.
The malls. Busch Gardens. The movies.

Crystal and Joe and Ashley and Alan and Krow and Gary and Mike and Marc and Cat and Lucy and Chris and Kelsie and Rob and Rhett and Kev-O and Soopa and B-Town and Hillary and P.T.
Eddy and Precious and Leonidas and Ulysses and Ares and Erebus.

Yeah, this may be pretty fucking close to rock bottom for me.
I may have lost everything.
My job
My car
My apartment
My pets
My pride and independence.
But...if I had it all to do over again...
I'd do it. Without a second thought. Because of how much I've gained. And I will not let this get me down.
I have so much to be thankful for.
I have good friends and family, who are always there for me when I need them.
I have another chance to be with my family back in CT.
I have the opportunity to be near the friends I've grown up with.
I have the luxury of having a place to stay and food to eat and people to care about me until I can get back on my feet.

I miss Tampa already.
I'm not gonna lie - I cried a little as the plane took off.
But...I'm more excited than I can express at the thought of being home again.

And, right now, all I can do is wait.
Wait impatiently for the miles to fly by underneath me, on this plane ride from one life I love to another.

*Here's to the good times & great memories to come!*

Monday, December 1, 2008

Savoring the Time I've Got

Union was a lot of fun.
I landed in Greenville at about 3:3o. The airline wouldn't let me get picked up in Charlotte, unless I wanted to cancel my flights on Sunday, so I got to take a little bitty puddle-jumper from a 45 minute flight from Charlotte to Greenville. Gramma and Uncle Kenny picked me up, and we stopped at a restaurant to grab something to eat, since I'd forgotten to eat all day.
On the way home, I called Christa and we made plans to hang out that night.

It was a lot of fun to spend time with Christa and Aaron. Especially since Aaron was acting the way he used to be. Before Kirby. And he's back.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to my Aunt Linda's. There were 8 of us and we overate and laughed and had a good time. I got to see family I haven't seen in a while, and it was nice to be with them for Thanksgiving.

Friday and Saturday, Gramma and I just took it easy. We went grocery shopping, we went on a drive to look at Christmas lights. We went to lunch and then the mall with Aunt Linda.

And then Sunday I came home.
The flight from Greenville to Charlotte was very short. And then I had a three hour layover in Charlotte. Thank God for fast food and Starbucks and Cosmo magazine to help kill the time.
That, and the movie Krow put on my computer. I got through the first half of Death Race. And loved it. It made me laugh that the guy next to me was *trying not* to watch the movie, too. I kept catching him looking over, but not wanting to be caught looking. Which is a shame...I'd have told him to grab some headsets and watch it with me, if he'd actually made eye contact...

Crystal had told me Saturday that she was working Sunday night, and wouldn't be able to pick me up at the airport. And I couldn't get in touch with Gary or Chris, and Kelsie and Ashley and Joe couldn't pick me up.
But...yet another reason I call Krow "my brudder"...he pulled through for me once again and talked an ex into picking me up and bringing me to Krow's house until Crystal could come get me. Which meant I didn't have to wait in the airport an extra two hours after landing. And I really appreciated that., I stayed home with the dog, and when Crystal got home she announced that she had a bunch of projects to work on. So I headed over to Krow's.

And here I sit...Krow and Alan on either side of me. The boys are simultaneously playing a video game and watching Step Brothers. And I, knowing that they would be otherwise preoccupied, brought my computer to keep myself busy.
So here I sit, watching Step Brothers and blogging and sitting with "my brudders." Loving every second of it. Laughing and being silly and talking and having a good time. Knowing full well, but not wanting to acknowledge, that this is more likely than not the last time this will happen.

I'm thrilled about seeing my friends and family in CT again. But...I don't want to leave here.

Ugh...things are so bittersweet right now...

Really Just Another Form of Procrastination...

I know, I know...late again.

It's not my fault this time.
I've been with my grandmother since Wednesday, and there is NO wireless service in her town. Or at my aunt's house, where I spent Thanksgiving. The internet providers in the area don't even offer anything but dial-up. Welcome to Union County.
Hahaha.'s been a long, but fun, few days.
I'm gonna have a few hours to kill tomorrow...I'll post about all the "weekend" happenings then.


Thanks for the patience...