Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Riding the Roller Coaster of My Life takes some pretty crazy turns. And I'm not quite sure what's going on anymore.
Between my car not working, getting fired from my job, being frustrated with bills piling up... There's so much going on that I can't catch my breath anymore. just keeps coming.

Gary's living with me now. And...catching me completely off guard...he and I may very well move to Manchester together at Christmas. I'm not making it public...and I'm only telling select people...but it's a very real possibility right now.


I'm much more calm than I should be...but I'm definitely feeling the strain of having no money coming in, but needing to pay bills. I also have to find an apartment for Gary and I in CT, so that we can move in once we get there. Which means that he and I need to save up enough money to move in 7 weeks. Plus line up jobs for once we get up there. And, oh, right, neither of us is working at the moment. And the cheaper options for this move are impossible because of the fact that the car isn't working... And while I want to fix it, I don't have the money to. And I can't sell it, because it will then leave me without a car once I get up to CT. Besides...between Gary and Sergio...the car should be able to be fixed relatively quickly once we move... But the moving up there is going to KILL ME in costs...

Grr... Sometimes I think I should listen to Mom and just marry for money. Life would be a hell of a lot easier that way... :-P

And we're not even going to go into my whole "no, I don't have a crush on Gary, even though we act like we're dating" situation.

*sigh* The thought of leaving here is both exciting and scary. Because...I miss my family and friends back home...and it will be nice to be near them. But...leaving here...leaving my friends and "family" here...will kill me. *sigh* Why can't I have them all in one place????

The last month has been a true test in faith for me... Faith that my bills will be paid. Faith that my needs will be met. Faith spite of everything...what has been happening is truly what will be best for my life.
It's harder than it seems...